Privacy Policy website administration is obliged to maintain your privacy on the Internet. We pay great attention to securing the data you provided to us. Our privacy policy is based on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union. The purposes, for which we collect your personal data are: improvement of our service, communication with visitors to this site, providing services associated with the website’s specialization, , and for other actions listed below.
Personal data storage and processing
We collect and process your personal data only with your willing consent. With your permission, we can collect and process the following data: name and surname, e-mail address, phone number, Company name. Collection and processing of your personal information is carried out in accordance with the laws of the European Union and the Russia.
Data storage, alteration, and removal
The user, who has provided with their personal data, has the right for their alteration and removal, as well as the right to recall the agreement to data processing. Time, during which your personal data will be stored is: time the personal data is used that is necessary for the website’s main activity. After finishing with the processing of your personal data, the website’s administration will permanently delete it. To access your personal data, you can contact the administration on: We will be able to pass your data to a third party only with your willing consent. If the data was transferred to a third party, which is not associated with our organization, we cannot perform any changes to that data.
Processing of visiting technical data
Records of your IP address, time of visit, browser settings, operational system and other technical information is saved in the database when you visit This data is necessary for the correct display of the website’s content. It is impossible to identify the person of the visitor using this data.
Children’s personal information
If you are a parent or a legal guardian of an underage child, and you know that the child has provided us with their personal information without your consent, please contact us on: It is forbidden to enter personal data of underage users without the agreement of parents or lawful guardians.
Cookies processing
We use cookie files for the correct display of the website’s content and for the convenience of browsing They are small files, that are stored on your device. They help the website to remember information about you, such as in which language you use the website and which pages have you already opened. This information will be useful in the next visit. Thanks to cookie files, the website’s browsing becomes much more convenient. You can learn more about these files here. You can set up cookies reception and blocking in your browser yourself. Inability to receive cookie files may limit the functionality of the website.
Processing of personal data by other services
This website uses third-party online services, which perform data collecting, independent from us. Such services include: , Tilda tracker, Yandex.Metrica.
Data collected by these services may be provided to other services within those organizations. They can use the data for advertising personalization of their own advertising network. You can learn about user agreements of those organizations on their websites. You can also refuse their collection of your personal data. For example, Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on can be found here . We do not pass any personal data to other organizations or services, which are not listed in this privacy policy. As an exception, the collected data may be provided on a lawful request of state authorities, that are authorized to request such information.
Links to other websites
Our website may contain links to other websites, which are not under our control. We are not responsible for the content of these websites. We recommend you familiarize yourself with the privacy policy of every website that you visit, if such policy exists.
Changes to the privacy policy
From time to time, our website may update our privacy policy. We inform about any changes to the privacy policy, placed on this webpage. We are monitoring any changes in legislation, which is related to personal data in European Union and Russia. If you have entered any of your personal data on our website, we will inform you about the changes in our privacy policy. If your personal data, and more specifically, your contact information was entered incorrectly, we will not be able to contact you.
Feedback and final clauses
You can contact the administration of regarding any questions related to privacy policy on:, or by filling a contact form specified in a corresponding section of this website. If you do not agree with this privacy policy, you cannot use the services of In this case you should avoid visiting our website.
Купля-продажа судов 
Поиск на российском и международном рынке судна в соответствии с заданными параметрами или поиск потенциальных покупателей на судно клиента. Максимально полное профессиональное сопровождение сделки – организация инспекций и переговоров, согласование контрактных условий, подготовка и согласование проектов всей контрактной документации на русском и английском языке. Компания поддерживает постоянные многолетние контакты с судовладельцами и брокерами во всем мире.   
Размещение заказов на строительство судов
Поиск верфи для размещения заказа на строительство судна и последующее контрактное сопровождение размещенного заказа. 
Продажа судов для разделки на лом
Получение коммерческих предложений от разделочных верфей (Балтика, Турция, Индия, Китай) и последующее полное сопровождение контракта до получения продавцом судна оплаты и подписания акта сдачи-приемки. 25-летний опыт работы позволяет нам добиваться максимально комфортных контрактных условий для наших клиентов.  
Организация буксировок
Поиск буксира и последующая реализация контракта на оптимальный вариант буксировки плавобъекта. 
Оценка рыночной стоимости судов
Краткое профессиональное заключение о стоимости судовых активов (desktop valuation), сделанное на основании обширных баз данных, статистики продаж судов и их коммерческой истории, знаний о текущей рыночной ситуации и тенденциях судоходных рынков. Нашими клиентами являются судовладельцы, банки, лизинговые компании, которым важна оперативная и максимально объективная оценка текущей рыночной стоимости судов и плавобъектов.  

Профильное образование брокеров, их многолетний опыт работы в этой области в различных компаниях, соблюдение деловой этики, стремление к достижению оптимального результата в реализации запросов клиентов позволили компании за относительно короткий срок ее существования завоевать репутацию надежного партнера.

Мы гордимся тем, что со многими клиентами нас связывают многолетние партнерские и дружеские человеческие отношения и стремимся к тому, чтобы качество оказываемых нами услуг соответствовало высокой степени доверия нашей компании.